Catégorie : News

Connecting technology to knowledge

Projet Booster EIT Manufacturing

BOOSTER project: Secure solution, unlocking the full potential of data

The ability to rapidly process and analyse massive amounts of data to improve processes, products and services, is one of the main benefits associated with industry 4.0.   However, until today, much of this immense potential is still unlocked due to the difficulty in protecting and ensuring data confidentiality and sovereignty. BOOSTER, one of EIT Manufacturing’s…
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AI quantitative finance

L’intelligence artificielle dans la finance quantitative: hype ou réalité?

Les analystes quantitatifs, les « quants », doivent rivaliser d’habileté pour mettre au point et utiliser des modèles qui permettront aux gestionnaires de mieux évaluer la valeur des actifs financiers, en particulier les produits dérivés, et de gérer méticuleusement leurs opérations et leurs risques en ajustant en permanence leur portefeuille. Ces as des mathématiques et…
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secure processor operation

Scalnyx et le CEA proposent une solution pour accélérer l’analyse de données en toute confidentialité dans le cloud

Scalnyx et le CEA s’associent pour proposer une solution industrielle «sécurisée par conception» pour accélérer l’exécution d’applications de traitement de données répondant aux plus fortes exigences de confidentialité. Baptisée Scaltrust, cette nouvelle solution intégrée allie les technologies de chiffrement homomorphe du CEA-List et d’accélération de logiciel de haute performance de Scalnyx.​ La recrudescence des attaques…
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Partnership with ITO 33

SCALNYX worked as a team with ITO 33 on AI based optimization generating complex calibration and smart distribution of data.

[We are hiring !]

Our start-up is growing and is looking for profiles to join its engineers team. Look at our job postings here

SCALNYX and CEA: prestigious conference about Full Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)

SCALNYX and CEA List presented at the e-congrès Lambda Mu 22 conference on risk management, their joint research paper in the digital transformation session entitled: Privacy preserving Machine-Learning-as-a-service (MLaaS) based on homomorphic encryption – Issues and Challenges. We are building the fastest and most efficient confidential computing platform based on FHE (Fully Homomorphic Encryption). Do…
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SCALNYX in FXT digest: solve matching engines performance bottlenecks in crypto exchange

SCALNYX published an article in FTX digest, one of the world’s leading crypto exchange. The article talks about market quality and how our parallel computing technology can solve matching engines performance bottlenecks in crypto exchanges. Read full article here: See article

Deeptech Label

SCALNYX is Deeptech labelised

SCALNYX successfully attained the Deeptech label by BPI (Public Investment Bank) for an original research project in the data security domain. With regulatory requirements and complexity of the financial algorithm, it urges us to solve computational problems and handle the increasing volumes of data alongside with the constraints of architecture costs and data confidentiality.  …
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Partnership with Levyx

Levyx chosen by Scalnyx to power the world’s first highly available and scalable matching engine with zero data loss Levyx’s Helium™ Engine Combined With Intel® Optane™ Adds Critical Data Persistence See white paper